Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Curies

Hold on, just a darn tootin’ minute.

Everybody’s always going on about how Marie Curie martyred herself with her research into nuclear radiation, opining with a bowed head and a somber nod how her work led to her tragic death due to aplastic anemia contracted as a result of her long-term exposure to radioactivity.

She died in 1934, at the age of sixty seven. Life expectancy for women born the same year as she, 1867, was around forty five years! She had a good run, people!

Now, her husband Pierre died at only age forty seven, trying to run across the street when he was run over by a horse-drawn cart.  A clear demonstration that nuclear power is FAR safer than horsepower.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The School Shooting in Ohio

Every schmuck on every news show is trying to inform us about the warning signs to look out for that could have prevented the Ohio school shooting on Monday. They keep coaching us to keep an eye out for expressions of dark, violent or depressed feelings on our children’s Twitter and FB accounts – “KNOW YOUR KIDS’ PASSWORDS” they tell us. That if you see a kid posting something dark, it’s better to err on the side of caution by reporting it, blah, blah, blah…  I haven’t seen a single major news outlet explain that the BIGGEST warning sign that there was going to be a school shooting in Ohio on Monday was when T.J. Lane picked up a GUN which he had ready access to. Teens tweeting death poetry tells you jack shit. All it warns is that a teen is just a teen. The tragedy in Ohio could NOT have happened if T.J. Lane had not been able to have a gun. I am no gun control freak. Guns serve a purpose, in my opinion. But if you aren’t willing to talk about the real reason why there was yet another school GUN shooting on American soil, you have just signed a petition asking that we have another just like it the next time the mood strikes another disaffected youth. Doom on you.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hello. Marooned astronaut here. Been offline for a while -- numerous reasons (ennui and inconstancy chief among them).

But I am plotting a resumption of semi-regular activity. This post is just to make sure all sysemts are "go" and the bloggy-thingy is still up and running (thank you, blogspot).