Longtime friend ML has brought it to my attention the Marooned Astronaut has been inexcusably mute in the blogosphere for quite some time. I began writing him a sincere reply when it occurred to me that you, too, constant reader, might also appreciate and deserve some explanation for the long interim since my last post. Has the Marooned Astronaut perished? Has he finally been picked up by the Men in Black, sequestered in an Abu Ghraib-style government chamber of horrors for captured aliens and there subjected to Bush-level enhanced technique “interrogation?” Has he finally been rescued by brethren from his home world in a climactic, multimillion dollar set piece sequence wherein a mother ship lands in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington; and, just before returning to the stars, did he strike a bittersweet pose on the gangplank to offer a sage, cautionary soliloquy to a breathless mob about how a concerned Higher Power has always been watching from Above and if mankind can only learn to curb its baser instincts it may one day be permitted to join the great Galactic Brotherhood of Peace?
No, the true reasons behind my long bloggish-quietude are nothing so picturesque. That pasty alien-looking porcine befouling the feet of Lincoln’s statue with rhetorical dung some weeks back (I forget the date, really) was some kind of schmuck called a “Glenn Beck,” whatever that is.
In truth, I can identify only two things that arose after 9/11 this year to explain why the Marooned Astronaut has been as remiss with his blog as he once was with his homework back in high school. And, as with the high school homework, my only defense is the age-old, tried-and-true, “I meant ta’ do it, honest!”
First, I really meant to comment ALL OVER THE PLACE about the election. Honest! I mean, that was all teed up for some major Marooned Astronaut screeds. But the campaign rhetoric was so fast, furious and asinine, every time I thought I had a cogent comment to make, some wild lunatic faction would render it quaint in a single sound bite. Seriously.
Also, I went on a badly needed diet. I noticed that watches and clocks were beginning to slow in my presence and light took on the embarrassing habit of bending when passing me close at hand. The last straw came when I ran into this adorable blue R2 unit who was carrying technical readouts of ME showing how I could be destroyed with a single, well-placed proton torpedo. (Wait for it… wait for it… There, the true Jedi in the room are now pissing their pants laughing.)
One of the galling things about being an Earthbound Marooned Astronaut is the abject paucity of good spacesuit retailers you have around here. Oh, sure, if you have an annual operating budget of $3.5 trillion and your name is Uncle Sam, David Clark Inc. turns out a fairly decent product. If looking cool, while not actually staying alive in outer space, is your chief concern, I highly recommend a shop called Global Effects. And, lastly, for the truly budget minded, you can always pick up used Russian gear (and, often as not, a slightly used Russian cosmonaut or two) on Ebay. But that’s it. So, if you ARE a Marooned Astronaut and you have to make do with the one spacesuit you own till rescue arrives, it is important to keep your girth to a circumference requiring little else than some judiciously applied Astrolglide lubricant in order to squeeze into the garment. (Odd that you Earth people offer Astroglide over the counter when the rest of your astronaut gear requires a government contract. Hmm.)
So, the day when getting into my trusty old suit felt not so much like a star-faring knight donning the armor of the cosmos but more like stuffing 246 pounds of shit into a… well… much smaller bag, I decided something had to be done.
Enter: [Widely-advertised-consumer-weight-reduction-program]. In keeping with this blog’s strict policy of assiduously offering no endorsement for any brand or product without handsome compensation, I here withhold the program’s full name, though it does begin, appropriately enough, with, “Nut-.” I like this weight loss program because (A) it works and (B) once a month they send you a big box of reasonably palatable astronaut food. Before any would-be dieters out there take this as a recommendation regarding the quality of that food, keep in mind I LOVE airplane food, too. Yes, I do.
But this diet is not ALL fun. Among other mortifications and indignities associated with it, the program stipulates that the dieter refrain from strong drink. By which I mean, you are not supposed to drink alcohol, but instead some other substance. I seem to recall mention of something called “water” in the diet’s literature, as if H2O were a material that had some safe, practical application within the human body. I assume it must have been a typo but, as every astronaut knows, in any mission, a procedure is as procedure, so I follow even this (obviously spurious) instruction to the letter. Hence, during my customary blogging hours (i.e., waking hours) I have been entirely (or at least largely) sober. Now, the Marooned Astronaut is a big “believer” in coincidence. It takes a lot for me to read a causal relationship between any two phenomena and interpret one as the effect of the other – for me, overwhelming (and reproducible) evidence is required. Ambrose Bierce’s excellent Devil’s Dictionary puts anything published under the name of Webster or Oxford to shame. One of his peerlessly illuminating definitions reads:
EFFECT, n. The second of two phenomena which always occur together in the same order. The first, called a Cause, is said to generate the other -- which is no more sensible than it would be for one who has never seen a dog except in the pursuit of a rabbit to declare the rabbit the cause of a dog.
That being said, I do have an eerie suspicion my late neglect of this blog may in part be due to a certain chemical deficiency in my constitution, an alcohol starvation that has affected, obviously, the bile, the spleen, the choleric glands, hot-bloodedness and bad humours, not to mention a suppression of the natural and healthy impulse to throttle bigots, gun nuts, chauvinists, frauds and charlatans. But this is a poor alibi. No, no. Sobriety is NO EXCUSE for bad behavior. So I reaffirm to you now, my devoted and rapt Earthling companions and jurors, I will forthwith redouble my efforts to record here my unworthy take on the various issues which leave me roiling with anger or, more rarely, tearful with hope. If I remain silent for any period, well, it will be because I have nothing useful to say at the moment – just one handy way in which you can distinguish me from a Glenn Beck, or whatever they’re called.